The Calvary Baptist Church of Springfield is a worshipful gathering: “One on Solomon’s Portico” who desires to be faithful to the will of God by empowering people through preaching, teaching, witnessing, advocacy, and program development, so that the kingdom of God and the ministry of Jesus will be a present reality. We are one! And have been one with our awesome God - who gave to Calvary the visionary leadership of our founder: Rev. Silas L. Dupree - organized the Mount Calvary Baptist Church in West Springfield, MA. on May 16th, 1919, with seven (7) members - a year later, growing to 150 “vision-pushing” members that were blessed to move across the river to the “Old Patch Home” in Springfield, subsequently increasing to 400 members. In 1924, the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church purchased and fully renovated by its members the Beth Israel Congregation on Grays Avenue with a 600-seat auditorium.
Rev. Dupree was anointed by God to be a visionary leader of the people of Calvary and the surrounding community at large, further establishing the Calvary vision: that “the kingdom of God and ministry of Jesus would be effectuated in real-time” - evidenced in the people preparing and distributing hot meals to anyone that was hungry, organizing and supporting a community basketball team, establishing the largest “Baptist Young People's Union in New England” and political activism as Rev. Dupree became the first Black legislator in Springfield history. Rev. Silas L. Dupree served the Calvary congregation for 23 years, accomplishing all he was called to do for God and the people of God. God called Pastor Dupree home in 1942 and blessed Calvary with Rev. James H. Hammer in 1943, followed by Rev. Herbert S. Sumpter in 1951.
The good people of Calvary made huge personal financial sacrifices, trusting in God, as some members even mortgaged their homes in 1951 to purchase the former Evangelical Covenant building for forty thousand dollars. What joy spread over the Springfield community as Pastor Sumpter and the Calvary congregation marched from their former location on Grays Avenue to their new location - 17 John St., now: One Mt. Calvary Way.
The faithful gathering of the members of Calvary burned the mortgage under the visionary leadership of Rev. D. Edward Wells, who labored at Calvary until the Lord called him home in 1964. Christian education and advocacy through teaching became a staple of Calvary led by the leadership of Rev. Robert E. Rasberry via interfaith ministry and the Pioneer Valley Baptist Association - during this historic era, the people of Calvary became an influential spiritual force in establishing the fluidity of interfaith collaborations in New England.
From 1974 through 1993, Calvary re-positioned her liturgical integrity, increased ministry auxiliaries, building renovations, and experienced powerful preaching and teaching and tremendous congregational growth both qualitatively and quantitatively under the passionate leadership of the Rev. Gordon C. O’Neal, Jr. and Sis. Juanita O’Neal. 1994-2001 Calvary reinvigorated her teaching ministry by recruiting and training biblical educators, recruitment/training of deacons and deaconesses during this exciting era of enlightenment as the people joined with Pastor Walter Thompson Jr. Calvary continued to grow qualitatively during this age of the “New Blue Steeple” under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Johnny M. Wilson Jr. through the excellence of preaching and teaching.
The worshipful gathering at Calvary Baptist continues to grow, thrive, and seek God through worship and prayer together with their senior pastor: Dr. Mark E. Flowers. Through technological enhancements, membership generosity, lectionary compliance, liturgical ministry, fasting and praying, Calvary has increased parish Bible study options, expanded larger community “in-reach,” evolved its global prominence by supporting Dr. Flowers’ membership in the International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation. Indeed, the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church of Springfield is “One on Solomon’s Portico,” the adoring ekklesia that is the repentant bride of Jesus who shed His blood that we all would live eternally reconciled with God.